Alfarish Fizikri

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Tentang Saya

Foto profil Alfarish Fizikri

Hai, nama saya Alfarish Fizikri dan saya adalah Frontend Engineer yang passionate dan antusias terhadap clean dan maintainable code.

Pendidikan saya di Politeknik Negeri Bandung & Telkom University dan pengalaman saya di Evermos telah membantu saya mengasah kepekaan saya terhadap desain, manajemen proyek, UX/UI, dan leadership.

Profesi Frontend engineer adalah pekerjaan yang terus berkembang, selalu menawarkan tools baru untuk merancang situs yang lebih efisien dan cepat.

Saya juga adalah seorang tech enthusiast dan open sourceror yang suka terus berinovasi 😉!

Keterampilan Saya

  • Vue
  • Nuxt
  • PNPM
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • SCSS
  • TypeScript
  • Unity
  • C#
  • Tailwind
  • Git
  • Pinia
  • Vite
  • Vitest

Pengalaman Saya

  • Evermos

    Frontend Engineer

    - Kontrak Tetap

    Okt 2019 - hari ini - 5 tahun 4 bulan

    • Responsible for various Vue or Nuxt projects, including multiple admin websites, a page builder, and fully responsive customer-facing websites.
    • Increased the average core web vital in legacy code by 32% on a specific domain.
    • Reduced Cloudflare traffic cost by up to 55% by enhancing unoptimized HTTP requests in legacy code.
    • Mentored junior frontend developers in best practices for Vue and frontend performance, contributing to team knowledge-sharing, code quality improvements, and applying productivity tools for the team.
    • Implemented frontend monitoring tools, across many major frontend repositories to enhance error tracking, performance monitoring, and user behavior analytics.
    • Collaborated with designers to develop a comprehensive UI kit to ensure consistency and scalability across multiple applications.
    • Experienced in integrating complex 3rd party services such as Firebase, RudderStack, Amplitude, AppsFlyer, CometChat, GrowthBook, GA4, TinyMCE, Handsontable, Payment Gateways (Midtrans, Durianpay).
    • Maintained the unmaintained npm packages used in the legacy system by forking them into internal organization repositories, adding new features, and remediating existing vulnerabilities.
  • Vue Ecosystem

    Vue and Nuxt Module Contributor

    Jul 2024 - hari ini - 7 bulan

    • Refactor codebase of Nuxt Scripts and extend useScriptNpm functionality.
    • Extend VueUse's useDraggable functionality.
    • Repair docs.
  • Flare Dolphin

    Game Programmer

    - Paruh Waktu

    Feb 2022 - Sep 2022 - 8 bulan

    • Game projects using Unity
  • Karisma Technologies

    Game Programmer

    - Paruh Waktu

    Sep 2018 - Feb 2019 - 6 bulan

    • Worked on a game that integrated with cryptocurrency using Unity and PUN2 as a real-time multiplayer framework.

    Frontend Engineer

    - Magang

    Jun 2018 - Agu 2018 - 3 bulan

    • Several web projects such as Webservice Generator and Smart Parking Application.

Environment Development

Ubuntu (WSL)